Feature Branch Mgmt.
Using this capability, vulnerabilities and SBOM components discovered in scans in which environment is set to Feature can automatically be deleted by Kondukto after the retention period. Kondukto checks for the last scan date of the relevant feature branch to decide if vulnerabilities discovered in that branch should be deleted. This project level setting overrides global settings that might be configured on a global level under Automation --> Setup --> Global Settings.
Source branch can also be set here on a project level, against which vulnerabilities discovered in features branches can be compared. Source branch entered on a project level overrides the global source branch.
As an example, if source branch is set to "develop", all vulnerabilities discovered in feature environments will be compared against vulnerabilities discovered in the develop branch of the project and all actions taken on vulnerabilities (i.e. issue assignment, screenshots, false positive or risk accepted markings) in develop branch will be reflected on the vulnerabilities in feature branches to prevent double triage or remediation efforts.
Updated 13 days ago